Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Day at the Races!!!

Run away!!!!!!!!!!! 
Here they come!!!! 
Did you have to get the perfect picture...................................

Okay, so we really weren't watching the races from that point of view (thank God!).  That's a picture of a picture (I don't envy whoever took it).

We did go to the Kentucky Derby Museum (at Churchill Downs) which had an awesome exhibit were you could be a jockey (see right).

Did you know that jockeys are short? And that only three year old horses can race at the Kentucky Derby?  Yeah, I know werid........... They also had an exhibit were you could be the horse race commentary - I failed horribly, but Micah did pretty good (it's very hard).  The museum is really good - even if you aren't into horses much.  I guess if you like horse racing and stuff, you'd **really** like it - but the track was awesome and my mom made us get Chruchill Downs dirt on our shoes (she's weird like that!).

After being a jockey ourselves we left and drove and drove and drove until we reached Bonnie's mom's house.  Yes you heard me - we are with Bonnie (a round of applause please!).

Agape, Dyl

1 comment:

  1. How come Dyl gets all the cool poses.....isn't he
    just the cutest...who's got the squirt gun?
