Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hotel Jordan Lake

We made it here!  Driving in and out of torrential rains, but we made it here! 

Friendship is such a funny thing...
Todd and Joy are friends from Boston - our former pastors at Cambridgeport Baptist Church, they officiated at our wedding, were with us for both our dad's deaths, we were first in to see baby Julia after she was born and they were waiting as we left the delivery room with Micah...good times!  Special times!  (Times that are made complete with a picture of Micah and Julia in coordinating outfits - it's good blackmail material - I highly recommend it for any new parents!)

But as life is, well, life...we haven't been the best at staying in touch. 
Still last night as I'm doing laundry, Joy is putting away groceries and Todd is getting dinner on the table - it was like time had never passed.  Like we live down the street from each other (although I guess I'd wouldn't be doing laundry here would I?!) and we are often together.

It just made me reflect as I drifted off to sleep: friendship really is cool!!!  Amazingly strong and flexible - a phenomenal gift.  And for about the millionth time in my life I vowed to be a better friend: write more, stay in touch more, make that phone call.

Thankfully I have friends who will still love me when I fail to live up to my 'wish list' - for the millionth time....

And here's one very important thing that I've been meaning to share:
Many of you (I know) fear that Walmart is going to take over the USA with it's 'made in China' nic-nacks, 'necessities', and general all around stuff.  Well, from what we've seen thus far: your fears are unfounded.

Least you should want to let out a sigh of relief...beware...It's been smoke and mirrors all along!  Walmart acting as decoy, keeping our attention occupied while...(dramatic pause).....
the Waffle House takes over the world (insert sinister laughter here).

I'm going to be needing a few signatures on my petition for "Concerned Americans Against Waffle House Occupation".  Maybe later though, right now I'm hungry...waffles anyone?


  1. Amen to your comments about the gift of friendship--I'll never cease to be grateful for those special ones (who might remain nameless, but may be reading this!) who I feel I can pick up a conversation with, after months or even years of silence, and find it more instantly shared and intimate than maybe one with someone else I see regularly. God is good to give us one another--"it is not good for man (or woman, I would add!) to be alone".

  2. and just for the record... there is nothing like the ole Waffle House at 2 in the morning... if ya know what I mean ~ Love you guys, Uncle Steve

  3. I praise God for those Jordan-Lakes! Ah! Waffle House days! When I lived in Montgomery, AL,it was often a place of solace for me. Wishing you happy and peaceful travels.



  4. Hey Guys, I am surprised Kim and Jim didnt take you to IHop. Kims favorite version of Waffle House. She seems to love it. Micah, and Dylan, Rachel and Jake spent a considerable amount of time trying to lick their elbow, in honor of your blog name. I should note, as hard as they tried and much to their dismay, they were the were not able to prove you wrong. They love to read your posts. Happy travels.
    The saball
