Saturday, June 19, 2010


Today we spent our first day at Bonnie's mom's house.  Well, not really AT Bonnie's mom's house, we actually drove down to Springfield to see the Lincoln Presidential Museum (as that is quite a mouth full, I will refer to it as the LPM).  We have, so far, traveled along the Lincoln family's trail and have officially been "Lincoln-ed out."  It's not just the Lincoln 'stuff', every place wants a little bit of Mr. Lincoln so "Ye Olde Abe Souvenir Shop" and "Lincoln Logs" have become quite popular just about anywhere Lincoln has laid his foot and someone can make a buck (oops, that would be a Washington).

 (Here's a picture of the Lincoln family.)

The LPM is very large and almost everything in it is alarmed and photo sensitive.  I'm not kidding!  I leaned in to see what (statue) Abe was reading and an alarm began to sound!  Fortunately no guards were around at the time and, as if to make me feel better, an old man did the same.  (As a side note Abe was reading a grammar book.)  I also learned that the Civil War had the most American casualties: 1,423,000.  Did you know that John Wilkes Booth only planned on kidnapping President Lincoln but after hearing Lincoln's last speech he vowed to kill him.

Do you know that I might have learned more on four weeks of this trip than an entire school year (Mom that is not an insult to your teaching methods!)?
I don't think there's much more to say.

Agape, Micah

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