Friday, July 2, 2010

"Daddy, can I take a picture of the four faces?"

Today, or yesterday as the case maybe, we went to Mount Rushmore. It is pretty amazing that someone could carve four heads into a mountain, and even more amazing that 90% was done with dynamite! Well we stood on the observation deck a young boy asked his father if he could take a picture of the four faces ( hence the name of the blog)! The timing and age of the boy made for some great laughs!

Afterward we went to the Crazy Horse Mountain. Crazy Horse was a Indian, but what else I have no idea. Right now the Crazy Horse Mountain is being made so all that is visible is his face.

Finally we went to the Cosmos Mystery Area. The whole place was just a giant optical illusion. The water flowed uphill, we could walk on walls, and we stood crooked! Now being an optical illusion I could explain everything away, but why not allow you all to ponder the mysteries of the South Dakota Cosmos Mystery Area...

Agape Micah

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