Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Um-Pa-Lu-Pa-Umpity-Do, I've Got Another Riddle For You!

WARNING: For the first time I would like you to do something before you read my blog!  Watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  The old version that does not have Johnny Depp.  Of course if you remember the movie well, you are exempt from homework.  Also if you have homeworkphobia you are exempt from it as well, just don't blame me if you don't get some of the throw backs!!

Today, we went to the only place in America that comes close to the totally amazing Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.  Trust me, we would know!!!  And to add to the excitement, the only place that is like Willy Wonka's is the Hershey's Chocolate Factory.  Besides a food plaza Hershey Park offers a 3-D movie, chocolate tastings, Make-Your-Own-Chocolate-Bar and Make-Your-Own-Desert bar, none of which did we do. 
We didn't just go there for the free chocolate. 
No, our world is much bigger than that.......... 
Okay, chocolate is a reason we went to Hershey.... 
Fine, so my world goes only as far as how much chocolate I can inhale! 
But that's beside the point, the "tour" is really cool!  Only problem is that you never enter the factory.  We rode in a cart the could very well have started spraying ginger ale on us!  The ride took us through a miniature barn when we met the Umpa Lumpa's of Hershey Park.  Cows!!  They were singing a song about the importance of milk in the candy bar, and how that made the whole candy bar nutritious.....  Yeah right!  The only thing missing from the sugary paradise was edible candy on the assembly line and a chocolate river.  At the end of the tour we received our "everlasting gobstoppers" in the form of a Hershey Chocolate Bar.  One moment will be allotted for utter bliss.

Of course, our whole day couldn't spend reviling chocolaty goodness.  We eventually made our way to Valley Forge.  It is here were I got my second job: tour guide for the driving tour.  Of course, my job only consisted of reading from a paper and giving directions, but I still got a tip for my troubles:  Your mother is always right!  Ah, word's to live by!!!

Agape, Micah

1 comment:

  1. Gene Wilder--the original and still the best Willy Wonka! (Should check out "Silver Streak" with Wilder, Richard Pryor and Jill Clayburgh--still one of my favorite all-time films.) I'm so glad you guys got to enjoy the best of the chocolate factory, complete with Oompa-Loompas (or was that "Moo-o-ompa-Loompas"?), and without any annoyances like turning into a giant blueberry or being teleported and miniaturized. Of course, I'm sure the boys behaved perfectly, so no worries of these things!
