Monday, May 31, 2010

Hello everybody (our 20 followers and our 139 visitors! wow!!) -

Today we left the Hyatts: a sad moment in history.  But on a happier note (at least for Noah): Noah has gone off to join the Air Force.  Please keep him in your prayers.  

We drove for a shorter than usual amount of time.  When it was time to stop we found a Quality Inn, aka the Dead-Zone.  You know the cellphone commercials where the people stop at a hotel - it's this ghostly, deserted place with flickering lights and a creepy manager.  Anyway, the manger says in a scratchy, spooky voice, "You don't want to be here - it's a DeadZone.  You won't get your precious emails, or your phone calls."  (When we went to the grocery store the lights were even flickering!)

As we discussed what to do for dinner.  Micah chimed in with, "I'm not that hungry, that dried prune really filled me up." Oh brother!

That sums up our day.  Tomorrow we are hoping to go on a tour of the BMW plant and maybe even a zoo visit.

To our 2 new followers - Ant and JayR - 'what's up me homies'!
And to all - good night!


  1. Sounds like the trip is going well. Although if Micah is only eating dried prunes, that could change quickly.

  2. We had a great visit with you guys if you decide to swing back this way our door is always open. I think we still have a few local attractions to check out.

  3. looks like Dyl is doing well among barefoot friends! love the pic & hope you get a BMR : )

  4. Glad things are going well! The pirate museum looks really cool! I'm enjoying your entries ;)God bless! Yo and family
