Sunday, May 30, 2010

One Week in Special: Meet the Hyatts

Ok - so today marks our first full week 'on the road' and so to commemorate we are going to let you meet the Hyatts!  We've been here since Wednesday afternoon and leaving tomorrow.  We know the Hyatts much better now then we did when we got here :-), but here they are in their own words (except for our commentary!).

Here is Jim:
(Ok not in his words...Jim is using his words on the phone and we want to finish this!).  Here's the deal - Jim has the life!  And he even admits it; which is refreshing!  He's taking 2 summer courses and should be completely finish with his Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Formation degree in December (Micah says that will command immediate respect - Kim isn't so sure...I'm just glad I'm done typing it!).

Jim's still one of the Chaplain's at the Sheriff's Department and still teaching on Wed. Nights (we got to go and had a blast!).

We have learned one very important fact about Jim in our visit - he has a dishwasher fetish!  Whatever you do: don't load the dishwasher!!!  Don't even think about touching those dishes...not kidding, really...don't do it...period.

Here is Miss Kim:
After some hesitation, Kim is willing to admit that Camden (read down) really was as bad as it sounded, but she promises to do better if you'll only come to visit her!  Really!  (And she does know lots of cool stuff about downtown!  Make her take you there first, the museum was pretty good!)

Kim says she has enjoyed our visit (she's a Christian so I guess she can't lie...).  But we know that WE have enjoyed our visit.  The only reason we are glad to go is that Kim's cookies are so good that we've probably maxed lifetime our Crisco intake!
Kim's excited for Noah, but sad for herself, Jim and Meghan (they're going to miss their 'Bubba').  So in general - life is good.  Work is busy.  Church is going well (we really liked it!).
Noah is leaving tomorrow for Air Force Bootcamp and Tech School (21 weeks total).  He'll be in San Antonino, TX all summer (ugh - HOT)!  His job when he gets out will be "Security Forces," (for us non-Military people read MP).  He is excited to go! Doesn't know what's next, he can put in for different duty stations (who knows what he'll get).  He's thinking of putting in for mostly Southern states - we'll see!  Noah is most looking forward to: learning new things and meeting new people.  But he leaves behind a lovely girlfriend and of course family...wonder what he'll miss most?  (All joking aside: Taylor is really great - I can't blame him!)

Suppose it goes without saying that Noah would love your prayers!  (But maybe Kim and Jim would appreciate your prayers for their "baby" even more!)

We have really loved hanging out with Noah - what a truly wonderful guy!  Funny, easy-going, kind and helpful...really a joy to be around.  Guess we found that out a little late, bummer.
Here is Meghan:
She just turned sixteen (and she says that they didn't do anything for her b-day...can you believe it?  But she did get a lot of money...not a bad deal - they don't pay 40 year-old!).  Yaaa-hooo!!  Meg get's her permit on Tues. (her Dad says, "She can get her permit."  Oh, Mom just said, "We go Tues. morning - no problem."  Another family crisis avoided.)  And she is looking forward to passing Geometry and being done with school for the year on Wed!  Yippee!!!  What a week!!!

Meg doesn't like 'her' dog Hurley (you'll meet the dog later) (who knows why - Hurley is a pretty cool mutt).  Ok - Meg says she doesn't like Hurley 'cause she uses the carpet as a bathroom (well, yea - that is a rather annoying habit...we agree), and 'cause she is a lousy sleeping partner. 

Ok - Meg isn't really helping with this interview, and I've totally run out of all we can add is that Meg has graciously lent us her bedroom and she's beautiful (check out the picture)!
Just two more...Jessie and Hurley:
Jessie is a good dog!  (She might rival Katie, Cookie and Steve's, for the best dog award!)  Jessie, the big black one, she's definitely Noah's favorite (don't tell Hurley this...I think she might be oblivious to the fact).  But Hurley is a pretty cool dog (minus the nasty little habit that Meghan already mentioned - although Kim has really tried everything; and for those looking for a place to stay - Kim won't make you clean it up!  She really wants people to come visit :-).


  1. Nobody rivals Katie. (She used to be ours!!)

    Glad you guys are having so much fun. Miss you!!

    :o) The Blairs

  2. Sounds like you are all having a great time. Glad you enjoyed your visit with Kim, Jim, Noah, Meg, Jessie and Hurley.

    Sue & Doug Cudmore
