Friday, June 11, 2010

Adventure Science Museum

Today we went to the Adventure Science Museum with Julia (the tall one on the left), Justin, Jasmine, and it was completely awesome - it has the Dyl-seal-of-approval!  You can crawl through a brain, a throat, and a heart.

There was also this shooting game which was amazing (see the picture on the left). We also went 'astronaut style' and did this game where you wear a harness to simulate zero gravity for awesomeness (see picture below).

And to top it all off, there was an amazing rollercoster simulate. It was pure awesomeness!  You sat inside a big ball (with hydraulics) and it mocks the videos movements with a screen that you watched.

So long,



  1. Dylan, I think you win the award for using the word "awesome" so many times in a blog post. Congrats!

    Christine I.

  2. But each awesome was slightly different! Did you get that? First: just 'awesome', next: 'awesomeness', and finally: 'pure awesomeness'! Pretty AWESOME!!!
