Saturday, June 12, 2010

Help Flood Victims With Ice Cold Lemonade!

Yesterday we stayed up 'till ten preparing chocolate cupcakes, chocolate chip muffins, and lemonade to sell at the recycling center.  So today at the recycling center we sold (ice-cold) lemonade and baked goods for 50 cents each.  We ended up raising $126 (insert applause here).  Justin, Dylan, and I held up signs at the side of the street.  Jasmine and Julia helped sell.  When we got back we watched Hoodwinked and ate dinner, which was funny.

Jasmine says, "Hoodwinked was great.  My dad is at the pool."

Well you've heard it right from Jasmine, the movie was very good!

Agape, Micah (with the help of Jasmine)


  1. With your influence "Hoodwinked" will become the
    all time #1 movie...and that's a pretty nice looking "dump"...and who could resist such cute
    kids...Abe will be an interesting "next"
    brother, Terry, tells me there is a new pool here so maybe spelunkers will turn into fish again...I'm sort of looking for a take over by Papa Murphy or Great Harvest or even the little known but longstanding Custard Cup...when????

  2. Hello Guys,
    Well it's Sunday night and I love catching up with your travels. The caves sounded awesome! And the adventure museum great fun! I laughed out loud at the Walmart comment. Very funny!!! I'm happy you were blessed while visiting old friends. The Lord's weaving, very special. What a nice idea to help out the flood victims. The goodies sound yummy. You know, I was just candy dish in my office is empty and ummmm anytime you feel like baking some chocolate cupcakes or muffins, I'm sure Doug and Eric would really appreciate it. Have a super week. :0)

  3. Hey, great to catch up!! I am now getting your blogs in my email!!! VERY COOL. Sounds like you are having a great time!! You're great writers, entertaining and informative. Will blog again soon. Going to cabin this week (Friday) can't wait!

  4. Thanks Donna for 'sticking with us!' And Cookie - I'm summer we spend 4 months at the cabin :-)

  5. I would have bought a pitcher of lemonade & a dozen cookies if I was there!!!!! Oh what a great idea ~ congrats on the fundraiser!
