Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Ark....

(Pretend it's yesterday...I guess you always know that it me when it's late :-)

First full day camping:
Well, most of you know that Micah and Dylan are swimmers.  Their coach, Dave, is the best coach in the world, but he failed to teach them how to do the backstroke in a 9x7 tent.  This could have proved very handy yesterday.

After a wonderful nights sleep, successfully navigating the Coleman stove to produce hot chocolate and (my first) coffee-press coffee (yum!) AND oatmeal for breakfast; beautiful devo time by the pond with the baby ducks all around. Well, camping took a decidedly soggy turn. 

It poured - I'm talking Biblical portions...
for hours...

We retreated to the car and eventually a cabin on the premises, took a trip to the local laundry mat for pillows, sleeping bags and all, and vowed to never, NEVER camping with a 50% or more chance of rain.

And so that should end the story, but unfortunately there is more.  I wondered at 2 am when I couldn't sleep, "Why did I hear sloshing as I drove an empty car to the laundry mat?"

Dennis at Sears lies.  The "deluxe" car carrier model isn't water tight.  In fact it becomes a top-of-the-car-carrier-water bed (at least during rain storms of Biblical portions).

Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. I laughed all through my reading of your post,Elizabeth!!! Like spewing my coffee kind of laughing...sometimes I wish I was doing what you are doing then when I read post like this I am glad I am not!!! I love you so much!!! You too Dyl and Micah!! Your pictures are breathtaking!!! Keep up the good work and your right E I am not having fun trying to subscribe to your blog!!!!!! But I will you three do!!
