Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Wrong Turn!

Right turn, left turn...please make a legal u-turn whenever possible...

Our GPS, Shirley-Lynn, was a 'spaz' today!  She took us the LONG way to the Cherokee Museum (pretty interesting), that might be the downside.  The upside: she took us on the most beautiful road ever - the Blue Ridge Parkway.  If you ever have the chance (if you are within a few States): go there!!!

Words don't do it any justice! 
Pictures don't even come close...but here's a try:











Cool - literally!




Bed is calling me...good-night amigos!


  1. Hey Cernoia's... glad to hear things are going well, (except for monsoon thing)... keep up the good work on the blog, we love following you. praying for you constantly...

  2. Beautiful pictures. We have been there. Loved it so much we almost moved there!!

    Have fun!
    :o) The Blairs

  3. I like that Shirley-Lynn...she might could maybe have some country girl in her ~ glad you got to see this breathtaking sights ~ God's detours are often quite amazing!!

  4. Y'all have inspired me to work on my blog & you are listed on it too ~ I'm not sharing it for the world to see; just a few close friends & family, ok?

  5. Words don't do it justice -- unless those words were penned by John Denver.

  6. Hey I just saw your pic on COP CAM....all your wrong way turns and U turns...I'll check your mail box this week for you...It'll have a bunch of tickets...BTW...why was Dill driving....:) ? PS.....I dropped of the whacker.....

  7. Hi Elizabeth, Micah & Dylan! I just read all your posts - very interesting. Great pictures. If you go to Waltons Mountain, Virginia say hi to John Boy Walton for me! (As a good home-schooling Mom, tell me you know what I'm talking about here!) One piece of advice for you: do yourselves a favor and resist the urge to take home the little shampoos and soaps from the hotels. You'll grow to regret it. Shalom, Christine I.

  8. Hi Elizabeth, Micah, and Dylan ~ Sounds like you guys are having a great time...I am so happy for you that you will have all these terrific memories (even the soggy ones) for the rest of your lives. See all you can and take in everything along the way. Godspeed and safe travels to you. Will keep you in prayer as the Lord brings you to mind. With His love, The Jacobsens

  9. This is God's wonderful creation. Enjoy. Can't wait to see you all in September.
    Love, Randy, Jodie and Anthony

  10. Elizabeth, Micah, and Dylan;

    I think whenever I am in Tennessee, that a part of me says that I am home. I love what you are doing.


