Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rock of Ages

So in two days we've visted THREE caves.  That's right THREE; yes, THREE!  (Did you see that?  Three 3's - ha ha!)

We were stone tired and slept like rocks...then we went to the first cave.  It was solid!  An awsome cave which you could explore on your own.  It was pretty rockin'.  The next cave we visited the ranger came to us and said, "Have you been in any caves lately?" 
"Yes," we said. 
"Well, we're going to have to clean your shoes."
Say what?
So the guy comes out with 409 and sprays our shoes.  We also went up the "THIGH MASTER," which is 47 steep steps.  And got to carry big flashlight (no show cave!).

The third cave we went into, was today.  We're in Sweetwater, TN and it had the biggest under ground lake in the USA (second in the world).  We rode a boat on the lake (about a 15 minute ride).  It was aswsome!

So long CuddleDot and the world!!!!


Micah outside the 'self-exploring' cave!                                                                           

This is Cleopatra's Pool in Gap Cave (the 'clean-shoe' cave).

Bad picture (the flash doesn't go that far) - the lake is in the fore ground, just above the lights are the rock walls of the caves.


  1. Hey Dyl, what was the purpose of washing your shoes?

  2. The purpose of spraying our shoes was to keep bats from getting a disease (White Nose, I think - it's 100% fatal to the bats) that is circling around.

    Agape, Micah

  3. Cool cave pix--this is reminding me of the Underlands in The Silver Chair! Meet any funny-looking little men longing for Bism?

  4. Learn something new every day....

  5. Very interesting about the 409 thing. I was wondering if you had seen any bats. I know that the population of bats around here has taken a huge hit from that virus with 80-90%of the hibernating bats in some caves dying. I think we will have alot more mosquitoes around!
