Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Who are you!?

We can't take the suspense who is kall7 (I think you are Kali, but I don't know) and who is CuddleDot?!

And one technical question/answer (lame though it will be!)...we are trying - have been trying...will keep trying to get a 'subscribe button'.  If we are ever successful that would email you any entries we post (yes, that would be so nice - funny that Google/Blogspot finds it totally unnecessary and only a third-party program is available; yea - one with no tech-support).  Some people who are our 'Followers' do get emails when we post, some don't...go figure.  Maybe it's people with gmail accounts vs. others?  Dunno. 


Yea, we didn't think so...but we are still anxious to know who kall7 and CuddleDot are :-).

Agape Micah

1 comment:

  1. hey micah just to let u know, this is cassie i didnt realize that it didnt show my name lol im sorry
