Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Very Sporadic Day

Today we visited Abraham Lincoln's Birthplace and got a tour with a ranger. Now the last time we went on a tour with a ranger it was very informative. Not so much this time (my mom think it was, but that's just in proofreading this, my mom was offended and asked Dylan...he thinks the ranger was informative, too. Could it be me? Or is it a conspiracy?). Maybe it's just because it was so short and the big attraction (a replica of the cabin) was closed for renovation.

Afterward we drove down an almost too scenic byway to get to Abraham Lincoln's Home (I'll explain the difference in a minute). The reason the byway was too scenic was that almost all the homes were rundown and kind of dingy. Abe's "Home" is different than the his birthplace because he grew up in his home and was only born at the birthplace...... I bet you could have figured that out on your own, but what's done is done.

Later in our sporadic (don't you love that word!) day we moved our car to Louisville were we stopped at the American Printing House for the Blind Museum. This might sound random, but my mom decided to check out things in each area that was unique...this seemed to fit the bill. If you're in Louisville or nearby, you should stop by! And you should ask for Katie (she is a wealth of knowledge!!!!). I learned that the deaf community is very up tight, while the blind community is inviting and warm. Dylan learned how to type braille - how many people can say that? Mom learned that there are about 57,000 blind children in the US and the American Printing House is *totally* cool - the size of a city block, printing books, making toys, computer games, talking books, IPhones for the blind Dyl would say: wait for it...wait for it...a 'Kindle' for the blind. Amazing! And so cool!!!

After signing the guest book we decided to check into a Microtel which is the second best hotel we've stayed in.

Agape, Micah

PS: And as a side-note:


  1. Micah --

    I think it's a sporadic conspiracy!! I love reading your posts. Your sense of humor always comes through and makes me laugh :-) I can't wait until you guys get to Utah, we're going to have a blast!!

    Peace & Pizza Grease,
    Uncle Steve

  2. So, did you make an offer??????? This could be the dream house you've been looking for!!? Great shot, love it.
    Hey, I've never stayed in a's it treating you? would you like to review it?
