Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Enemy...

Today we infiltrated the enemies lair. After much discussion the C.A.A.W.H.O. (see Thurs the 9th entry) decided we should get some inside intel.
My mom (the president and founder C.A.A.W.H.O.) said to me, "The road will be rough."
I said, "I have a ball."

She said, "There's no turning back."
I said, "Guess I'll have to roll with the punches."

She said, "Easy won't be part of the equation."
I said, "Promise!?"

She said, "I gotta warn you - going into the belly of the beast...danger at every turn."
I said, "I eat danger for breakfast!"

Okay...that wasn't really what she said. It was a super cool conversation between Bolt and Rhino in the movie Bolt. (If you ever have the chance see it - it's a keeper!)
No, my mom really said, "Are you hungry?"
And I said, "Starving!" So we went to the Waffle House!

We highly suspect they are making clones as part of their occupation plans (all the workers looked the same! Really!).
Our mission was a success, however! We have a plan to squelch the uprising. It's BROCCOLI!!! Much like Kriptonite to Superman - broccoli will render them powerless. It was easy to figure out...they don't keep it within 100 miles of their operation!!!
But other than having some funny tasting chocolate milk the food was fine.

We also went to the Corvette museum which was pretty cool.
At this place we got to test drive the cars.

Just kidding. We weren't driving this car, but we wish we were!

They had cars for girls:

And here's what I like to call the....wait for it....wait for it...yep, you
guessed it!

The Bat Mobile! (It was so nice of Eric Gauvin to loan them his car. Way to go Eric!!!)

Night homies,
Dyl (with help from mom and Micah!)

PS - On a technical note:  If you get posts mailed to you you won't get comments :-(  just FYI...


  1. Ok, when i get older im gonna get a bat mobile! hope ur having fun dylan!

  2. That look Dylly...I can just see that same gleam in your eye on your 16 and 1/2 birthday!!!Were
    those white knuckles I saw on you Micah?

  3. Yes, Bonnie I do get white when I think about Dylan being able to drive. Creepy......

    Agape Micah
