Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We Hit The Wall!

Wall Drug that is!

So here's my thought: it's all about good marketing. and South Dakota has it down pat! For the first 100+ miles into SD the truth is that it isn't so drastically different from Iowa. They are both flat, lots of corn and big sky. But South Dakota has a lot more to see along the way - like about 200 or more billboards 'inviting' you to stop by Wall Drug. The reasons you might want to stop by? Anything from 'Free Ice Water', to 5 cent coffee, to come see the largest gallery of Western Art in the US, free coffee and doughnut for newlyweds, to shopping for cowboy apparel (you know how much we love western wear!). So ya gotta stop!

I had my first Wall Drug experience some 20 years ago (when I was about 10 if you're good at math), and was anxious to share it with Micah and Dylan. As many of you know we are avid readers and the backseat person is almost always reading something to the rest of us as we drive. Just to make sure that the Wall Drug experience was had by all - we would interrupt each time yet another billboard sign passed. I've never been quite sure if Wall Drug wants to 'peak your curiosity', or drive you insane - but either way they do get you to stop!

We had a nice look around and at lunch read the story of the original owners - it was pretty cool. Right after the Depression Ted and Dorothy felt the Lord telling them to move to Wall, SD (no kidding, how cool is this!); so they tell their family who are unanimous in saying, "NO!" But they all agreed to pray and seek the Lord and in time, they felt that 'yes, this was God's direction for them'. It was horrible at first - they agreed to work very hard for 5 years and try to make a go of it. At 4 and 3/4 years the idea came to Dorothy to put signs on the highway (to the newly opened Mt. Rushmore) offering travelers 'Free Ice Water'. It worked! Today they are a national attraction! Who hasn't heard of Wall Drug? And they still offer free ice water!

From there we drove through, and through, and through the Badlands. Long story - but we ended up driving and re-driving the Badlands loop. It really was a cool God thing - we saw the land in full afternoon sun, then watched the sun setting and finally drove the last bit in the dark. At one point we sat next to a heard of buffaloes and took pictures of prairie dogs not more than 5 feet away! I don't know if there are words to describe the Badlands experience - weird, freaky and bizarre definitely come to mind. But so does: beautiful, amazing and inspirational. Actually (other than visiting with friends) we all agreed that this might rank as one of our top 5 days so far! It really was something!!!

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