Sunday, June 27, 2010

What Would You Do...

1. In a tornado situation?
We were in the hotel and got a call from the front desk, "Will you come down to the front, please?  We  have a weather pattern that might produce a tornado."  So we take a look outside and three or four people are taking photos of the sky (all screaming and laughing - go figure).  In the middle of it all I got a call from Bonnie (I didn't explain that there might be a tornado and all - no need to worry her).  So we head to the lobby where Dylan and I played 'war' with a deck of cards from the very nice clerk, and waited for the storm.  The storm had such strong winds that the hail actually went sideways!  The storm, thankfully, didn't get any worse in fact it was about 15 minutes and it was all over.

2. After an exciting night of watching for a tornado?
Well, first of all go to church!  The church we went to was similar to Horizon (at least no hobby-horses this time).  The "real" pastor was on vacation and for the second time this trip we got the "back-up" pastor; over all it was a good service. 

3. To escape from Iowa?
We have finally escaped the dark clutches of the state of Iowa.  They tried to tape us down - literally (we found duct tape on one of our wheels) but apparently duct tape isn't for everything!  The drive in SD was amazing - the sky is something that is worth while to see.  It is something that even pictures can do justice to.  A bus full of people seemed to enjoy it as well: breaking down on the highway and having a picnic under the cloud strewn sky!

4. With an excess of corn?
Some would say: feed the hungry,
Others: create more fuel to offset the oil spill.
No.  The residents of Mitchell, South Dakota had another idea: create a Corn Palace!  The murals on the outside have been completely created out of corn!  But inside the place is a giant gift shop...  Dylan was in heaven!  I'm not kidding, I thought I saw him in four different places in four seconds!

Well, I have nothing else to say so:

Agape, Micah


  1. dude i love the giant corn!!! i just tried this freaky corn when i went to goshean to camp. maybe there realated !! hahah hope u guys r having fun! the swim team misses u!

  2. We miss you guys too! Get Markie and others to come to our blog!!!
