Monday, June 21, 2010


So after all of Micah's complaints about how I wanted to visit a zoo in every city - this is the first (yes, the FIRST) time we visited a zoo!  And it was really a 'zoo kind of day'!  The Miller Park Zoo was awesome!!  I really recommend it.   It had some cool critters: wolves, tigers, leopards, and a sun bear. The big cats made us miss our fat cat, Tigg.

After that we hit the road, when we had traveled a bit mom said, "Hey, let's take a hike."  We saw a sign for the Wildlife Prairie State Park and turned in.  It was super cool - it turned out to be a hiking-zoo.  The animals were in huge natural enclosers (it felt like the animals were in their own habitats and you just 'happened' upon them!), and the paths we walked on were huge and covered in shade (ahhhh).  It was sweet on the way down; we saw gray wolves: outstanding!!  

We drove a bit further (we're still in IL, but right on the border of IA).  We went through our second round of sever weather warnings (last time we are pretty sure we saw a tornado!), tonight was just sever thunder storms.



  1. So to the lions & tigers & bears... all I have to say is "oh my"... but a tornado?? Geez, that sounds the scariest of them all!

  2. You are right! But it makes for a good story now (even if it wasn't really a tornado!).

  3. I have to say I really like the picture of the Bear, he looks like he is ready to come visit :)
    I am not sure what Zoo this is, I am in St. Louis for the week so I think I should go to the zoo now.
    This looks like an amazig trip !!
