Tuesday, June 22, 2010

M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i River!

Today we decided to drive an extra two hours north to see the American Popcorn Factory... Total bust. The "factory" was a shop that also made their own popcorn! But the town was cool, a little "city-ish", what with the entire downtown being full of shops, a little bit of Europe with staircases that connected the street levels, but also a tiny bit New Englandy with most of the homes being being Victorian.  (Mom loved it!) Afterward we drove down to a town with of French name I cannot pronounce. Just to continue with our animal theme we went to the Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium. (check out Dyl's new shades!)

This turned out to be very little aquarium and very much museum. After a quick look around the museum we headed out to see a boat that dredged out all the gunk of the Mississippi. (As a side note I was scared by one of the manikins (I thought it was a real person).) The museum was pretty cool it had lots of "hands on exhibits" (Dylan like!) but the best hands on exhibit was a barge simulator (don't you love that word!). The barges carry 15% of America's produce (and 60% of all grain going overseas) and have to do it very quickly. I succeeded in not getting my barge any further than it's starting point in the allotted time. (Insert rambunctious applause here). We drove down the Mississippi river and watched a barge go through a lock before settling down in the best hotel yet! I'm not kidding you'd say it looks like we payed big bucks for it, but we didn't! I'm writing from my luxurious hotel bed saying:

Agape Micah

1 comment:

  1. I am thinking that Mom's secret plan for this trip is to get Dyl and Micah vocational training so she is all set for retirement--by the end of the trip, they'll be set as either barge pilots, zookeepers, cave tour guides or, once they get out of Vegas, blackjack dealers! Pretty smart, your mom is! (Even if she isn't the tallest in the family...)
