Monday, July 5, 2010

The Hair of the Bear!

Our last full day in the Black Hills we went to Bear country. It's a place were you drive through a 'zoo' and the animals can pass within inches of you!! There are mountain lions, elk, bison, mountain goats, wolves, and, of course, many to bears to count!! It was so neat to see the length of claws, the long, sharp teeth, even the individual hairs of the bear!!!

Later in the day we drove on the Needles Highway and saw the Eye of the Needle - it was big! A word of caution when you're enjoying the view with your brother 'cause if mom wants to take a picture, he won't say, "Hey, Dyl turn around, mom wants a picture." No, no, no, no (for those of you who don't know I'm sacred of heights) he'll grab you turn you around without warning! Lovely!

Once it was dark, we went to Mt. Rushmore for the night program. They showed a movie about Mt. Rushmore, it was really neat to look up see the REAL Mt. Rushmore all lite up!

So long amigos,

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