Monday, July 5, 2010

Sunday - and I'm back...

Funny how this is I am again for a Sunday post!

I'm going to catch you all up and even though we've missed a few days, then we'll call it even!

After our day of bears and night of Mt. Rushmore we slept peacefully and then left our lovely campsite with only a few plans in mind. We stopped by a 'strip' gold mine (I think it has another name, but we didn't really get the full tours so you get what you get!). I guess there is gold in 'thm thar hills!' 'Cause this mine operated for 30 years and made a load of moola (I tried to do the math, but it's summer vacation).

Our plan was to drive some and then stop - maybe our first clue that wasn't going to happen would be the miles and miles of rolling fields and then dropped phone call to Jeanne (I guess grass doesn't add to the receptivity of cell towers miles and miles away!), but in the next 2 hours as we were crying from lack of a restroom the real error of our plan was becoming more painfully clear. (Dylan was even reduced to contemplating 'watering' a tree - but there wasn't one in sight!)

Long (fist-pounding, watery-eye) story later we landed in Bismarck in the only empty hotel room for hundreds miles (North Dakotaians must stay in hotels on holiday weekends - I never really considered that, but we've definitely enjoyed it and have been quite comfy ourselves)!

We visited a super-awesome church yesterday.  Most notably was the rows and rows of youth in front of us - gulp!  It was such a shift from the normally dis-engaged youth culture I see.  They all worshiped (even the boys had hands raised!), tithed - even responded to the need for prayer and prayed for each other.  It was a 'message' we couldn't miss!  Wow!

Today we head up to Bill and Sandy's!  Yippee!  Can't wait to hang out! (And by the way, we added all kinds of pictures to the last couple posts - you'll need to go to the blog to see them.  And then you can comment (you know that Dylan is still holding it over our heads that he has the post with most comments!).


  1. And somewhere in that fist-pounding, watery-eye saga, something deep down in you said, "Oh, what I wouldn't give to see a Waffle House on the horizon!" (And if there were no suitable trees in sight, this might even suggest a benefit to the possibly-sheltering fields of Iowa corn...) In the immortal line from Joni Mitchell: "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone."

  2. Regarding the number of comments: I have noticed on Facebook that those who ask questions receive the most comments. For example, you could ask your readers: "Our next stop is Montana--any recommendations on what is a 'must-see' in that state, besides the elk?" ;) Another thought is as you share your plans and goals for the week, turn the question around on your readers: "What are your goals this week?" I realize it may sound silly, but it might create some interactive dialogue, and it might help you break the record for the most comments!

  3. Laura - you made us all laugh!!! So true! I would have not just gone over to the "dark-side" - I would have kissed the ground and thanked the Lord!!!!

  4. We are FINALLY subscribed! We just returned from TX. I just read through your entire blog - what an incredible experience you guys are having. The photos are great and the commentary quite entertaining. This is better than homeschool! (smile) Maybe call it cross-country carschool. Stay safe and we look forward to updates. Bill

  5. P.S. Colorado could take 2 weeks alone if you saw everything so I know that is not possible BUT the hot springs in Manitou Springs and the Great Sand Dune National Park are pretty darn cool. Rocky Mountain National Park is also really cool. AND the drive up to Pikes Peak is legendary. AND the Royal Gorge Bridge is something not to miss - a 1,200 foot suspension bridge hovering over 950 ft above the Arkansas River. You can ride the new Sky Coaster that propels you like a big swing out over the gorge (but I wouldn't). At the Great Sand Dunes National Park, you walk (exhaustingly) up this 1,000 foot high sand dune with 14,000 mountain peaks all around. Because it's sand, it's one step forward, two steps back. I carried Andrew on my back (when he was 2) all the way up. Whew! But what a fun sight. OK, I will stop living my life through your adventure! (smile) Have fun...

  6. Bill - Good to have you 'on board!' Looks like all those CO things might add a month :-)!!!
