Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hiking, Hiking, and More Hiking

So today we went on a super hike that I would recommend to anyone who asked.  The first part was really tough (uphill for a mile), but the rest was crazy easy and the 'pay-off' was a really good view of the whole Salt Lake valley!

Our next (and last) adventure for the day was so amazing...

So mind-boggling...

So unique...

So gigantic... 

So impressive...

It was IKEA.

IKEA is the size of a small country - a hike in its self.  It had enough furniture to fill a large country! The food was good enough to make you keep shopping (and cheap - all 3 of us ate full dinners for @ $10!).  It had almost anything, in any size, any color you could imagine for your home.  Honest!  By the end of our shopping adventure we had walked almost as much as our morning hike, but in air-conditioning :-).

Bed is calling!

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