Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Newly Revised Top 5!

You might be surprised to hear it, but the "number-one-thing-we've-seen" has finally changed from the Blue Ridge Parkway to.... well, let's not give that way just yet - it's what I'm about to tell you :-)!
(Of course this list does NOT include family and friends.)

5.  Cumberland Gap
Cumberland Gap was just an all around good time.  The weather held the whole time we were there, the views weren't as amazing as number 1, 2, and 3, but the camp site was great, the hike into a cave we got to explore on our own was a hike worth taking!

4.  Monticello
Jefferson's home is a very cool place to see and we all had a great time! (Well, besides the fact that Dylan nearly fainted.  Minor down.)

3.  The Badlands
The Badlands is breath-taking!  The gap between number 4 and 3 is huge!  If your in the area try to go through the Badlands at night! The air of majestic mystery is overwhelming!  The lands might have been bad for the first travelers (or, in reference to yesterday's blog, the lands might have been torturous) but for those driving on modern paved roads these land's are anything but bad!

2.  The Blue Ridge Parkway
This pass in and through the Smoky Mountains is full of breathtaking views that made my mom want to scream in joy (ok, she - and Dylan - did scream...a few times even)!

And...drum-roll, please!

Number 1


1.Glacier National Park!
The Going-To-The-Sun Highway leads into mountains that (I think) dwarf the Smoky Mountains.  Peaks in the sky, glaciers and waterfalls are everywhere, and it is the only place that you can sled in the middle of summer!  One of the many stops was in what looks like a mini ice age (I kept thinking that Sid or Manny were going to pop up!) but people were sledding, snowboarding, and skiing down a glacier! How cool is that!  The best part is that we are staying here until Saturday, so more adventures will be in the following blogs!

Agape, Micah


  1. Guys, your photo of the Glacier National Park is stunning! (New desktop background--woo hoo!!) Micah, love your write-up as well; am so glad that you guys are enjoying these phenomenal sites and joining in wonder at God's workmanship along the way.

  2. WOW! Glacier National Park is spectacular looking. Your photo captures it wonderfully. Great update. I've never been. You guys are making me want to do a road trip! Bill

  3. this is awesome guys, (and gal).... the pics are incredible... and im sure the pics are nothing compared to the real thing... Micah, almost forgot about the Dylan fainting incident... thanks for reminding me... i am sure i am going to need that someday in the future for retaliation when Dylan is ruthlessly picking on me.... God Bless you all...
