Friday, July 16, 2010

Two Amazing Days!

I get the privilege and responsibility of blogging about two of the most amazing days of our trip.  I'm tempted to 'pull a Dylan' and just post pictures - but really nothing short of JRR Tolkin and his multi-page description of a room, or a garden could even come close.  And even then I'd end by saying, "You really just need to experience this for yourself!"

Wednesday we drove Going-to-the-Sun Road.  It was so sweet to share it with M&D.  Their reaction was beyond my expectation!  They were in awe!  It's just magnificent view, after amazing scenery, after stunning colors, after astounding mountains, after...well, you get the idea.  Everywhere you turn there is something to steal your breath away.  We've met so many people visiting the park for their first time and they all said some version of, "I've been to loads of National parks and this one beats them all!"

Yesterday we walked to Avalanche Lake (the long way - about 6 miles - smile).  On the way to the trailhead I was telling the boys about once hearing Tony Complo (Camplo?) speak; in this message he was reflecting on how he imagined God felt and acted the day He created daisies for the first time.  After seeing the first daisy Tony imagined that God's joy and excitement grew and he began repeating, "Do it again! Do it again! Do it again!"  As we walked through the most amazing scenery and even later in our tent, well into the night, I kept pondering how much I love this place!  I think I probably said 1,000 times in the last few days, "Wow, that's so beautiful!"  Whether Tony is right or not, I don't know, but it is so evident that God takes great joy in creating.  His thrill is written into all the immense beauty around us (so much we haven't even written about).  The care in detail.  The massive scope and's like trying to contemplate infinity: your brain hurts just trying!

Today we hiked 3 waterfalls in only 2 miles. Tomorrow we can't resist just one more hike before we leave!

It's late (almost 2am for most of you!), so I'll give up on a fruitless effort and just say, "If you can only visit one place in your lifetime - make it Glacier National Park; you won't be disappointed!"


  1. You sold me! I think this is going to have to be our next adventure. Question: Was the park and the roads PACKED with people at the summer peak or was it not too bad?

  2. It was pretty packed! We ran into some other hikers who said it wasn't like this even last summer and I don't remember all the people from the last time I visited. One thing I wondered was if the economy has something to do with it - there were LOTS of Montana license plates! The park opens only once the snow has receded enough to keep the road open (so it varies every year - sometime after June 1st) and closes in Sept - so it's a short season as well. I'm sure that effects it. Boy, is it the best kept secret in the National Park system!

  3. I think you mean Tony Campolo?

  4. Hey There!

    I finally found how to get in touch with you! Your letter left me so surprised I somehow blocked out where I placed it.



    BTW=> I am gald to see you went to Glacier! Cliff and I went years and years ago (pre child) and it was amazing, awe inspiring and all the other adjectives you used! It is the unknown wonder of North America.
