Monday, July 26, 2010

Rocky Mountian Pizza!

After much discussion, we have finally got trained in our first job (me and bro that is)!  My uncle owns a pizza joint (that's name now graces the title of this blog).

Since we got here Uncle Steve has been telling us that the work will be SO hard and that he is counting the amount of pizza we eat so we can work it off.  It turns out that my uncle and dad are alike in that respect.  When my dad was in charge of our schooling, he'd say things like, "You think your mom is hard!?  Wait until you see how I school you two!  You will work from dawn 'till dusk on nothing but math, and then well start on English!" and things of the sort.  But as they say, his bark was worse than his bite.  I once asked him if I had to do a certain piece of work, not because it was hard but because I didn't want to do it.  He looked over my shoulder and said, "What's the point of that?  I'll tell you!  There is no point!  Micah, you don't have to do that."  (Okay, just a bit of exaggerated for artistic flavor.)

  Uncle Steve wasn't exactly like that.  But I do think that, as we weren't getting paid, he did go bit easier on us.  Still, Dyl and I ran dishwasher for a while (very cool, the spritzer thing was super powerful!) and then helped make pizzas!  We both made our own, and I made one that actually went to the real world to be eaten by a customer!

Agape, Micah


  1. You guys look like the real thing!!! :o) It won't be long before you will be holding real jobs!!!

    So, Micah, how did that real customer fare after eating your pizza?

    Jason says he wants to put an order in for a cheeseless pizza. When can he expect it to be delivered and how much will it cost.

    :o) Christine

  2. Hey Micah an Dyl

    Pizza is my absolute favorite food, learn well so when you get back I can give you a grade on a taste test.

    BTW, you guys make me laugh each night when I read your blog

    Mr Steve

  3. micah you look like a true pizza man you even look like u work there
