Monday, July 12, 2010

A Very, Very, Very, Late Blog

This blog is very late (like the name suggests) and as such there is a lot to say. The reason it is late is that in Minot, ND at ten o'clock it's still light out. Craziness! Also the days are all a jumble in my head so here are just some highlights:

First off we went to the zoo. But on a brilliant (add sarcasm on "brilliant") idea from the moms we decided to walk to the zoo... The moms were talking, Dylan and I didn't know where we were going, and Pete and Cait thought the grown-ups were leading. Do you notice a problem yet? Of course, we didn't say anything because we knew that if we did, we would get a "smart" comment about teenagers know-it-all-ness, walking is good for you, and "look lively" keep moving. (In case you are worried that I'm being overly mean - it was my mom that suggested this dilemma!) You might see where this is going! We ended up taking the LONG way into the zoo, the really long way; as in through a neighborhood, around a river, and through a park! The zoo did pay off though. Besides normal things, like bobcats, bears, and porcupine, they had a leopard, lions, tigers, and penguins. After an enjoyable afternoon, the clouds were rolling in and we all were dreading the walk back when (dramatic pause) Mr. Smith showed up with a ride (a great relief to all)!

Secondly, we went to a cook-out/volleyball thing (with Minot Christian Fellowship) I played volleyball after a quick dinner and was drafted to the team that seemed to win everything! (Mom says, "What is that word "humble", it must be a foreign language, can't apply here.")! After two games I began to be glad that I had already eaten, it seemed as though we would never lose! (Mom says, "The Humility Train just keeps rolling on by!") I found that my overhand serve was very powerful (I hit the ball all the way across the court onto the grass) and that would mostly be because of Coach Dave's workouts on swim team (that would be my ode to Dave!). (Mom says, "It all about the guns, baby! Oh, how I hope that head will fit in the car!")

Third highlight: we went to the Lewis and Clark Museum. Here, besides a lot of stuff about Lewis and Clark (what a surprise!), I learned that kids can look around the exhibits and see everything, while adults have to read every-single-word (read: painful!). They take they're time and need to be completely focused (every question is answered with "One minute - I'm almost done") even though they'll interrupt whenever they find something 'innnteresssting'. (Well, at least that's how my mom is.)

But today we have left the Smiths' home and we're sad to go. I have learned on this trip (not just at the Smiths' but other places to) all good things must come to an end - just like this blog.

Agape Micah

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