Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So a horse walks in to a bar and the bartender says....

"Why the long faces?" cue the music.


A guy walks into the psychiatrist office and says, "Doc, you've gotta help me! I can't stop singing the "Green, Green Grass of Home!"

The psychiatrist says, "Oh that's easy, you've "Tom Jones Syndrome."

The guys says, "Tom Jones Syndrome - is that common?"

The psychiatrist says, "Well it's not unusual!"


The invisible man and the invisible woman got married....

The kids weren't much to look at!


These are brought to you by Bill Smith. I guess the long winter nights are passed with old joke books. We are loving being at the Smiths!

See ya -


  1. I can't quite believe that Dyl or Micah would get a Tom Jones reference joke! But shouldn't the punch line be, "It's not UNusual"? Maybe you could try out a "Why, why, why, Delilah?" on your host sometime.

  2. I'm a horse-lover...but I don't get it...it took me three times but I finally got the Tom Jones one...you didn't "strike out" Bill...the "kid"
    one I got right away...guess it's a blessing you
    are into the preaching-teaching-thing...usually I
    do get that..:)...let's hear your joke "stash",
    Micah...easy way to fill the comments...everybody
    give everybody a hug from me....
