Monday, September 27, 2010

The Cernoias Signing Off

Well, as many of our East Coast friends now know - we made it back!  Sorry for all the cloak and dagger, but Dylan's great desire was to surprise everyone at church.  We had to stretch our trip by a few days, swear a few people to secrecy (you know who you are!), and post a few evasive blogs, but we certainly did surprise more than a few people! 

We started this adventure with a quote from Bilbo, so it seems fitting to end with one from Frodo:

"There is no real going back. Though I may come to the Shire, 
it will not seem the same; for I shall not be the same."

We've seen alot: history, museums, landscapes, animals, people, churches, nature, cultures, mountains, friends.  Really just so much amazing stuff.  Some that felt like home, and some uhm, not so much.  Micah is more than just 3 inches taller on the outside, and Dylan has amazed me.  Maybe Frodo is right, but for our part it sure is nice to see friends we've missed for 4 months!!!  And sleep in our own beds...and have a refrigerator (oh glory!) and...I would say unpack, but that may be awhile!

Thanks for sticking with us, it was fun to have you all along for the ride!  And you just never know when we might resurrect this baby, so stay in touch!

1 comment:

  1. AH...and an amazing journey it was and remains to
    be...whatever will I have to browse through on this vast internet waste land in the wee small
    hours....nothing will be as "giggle-some" for me...alas...I guess you'll just have to think of
    something!!!!It was a brave four months for all of
    your rag-tag band of fans...fond memories...when
    will your book be coming out?
