Saturday, September 25, 2010

All That is Wrong With America - Part 3

Our journey continues.  We have become some weird wandering minstrels trying to find what is wrong with America.  So here we go...  (I guess even being within a days drive of 40% of the population doesn't exempt us from internet a day late, but here we are!)

What's wrong here is that Montana got such an epic portion of sky.  The other states will be jealous!  (Except AZ, it got a pretty decent share as well.)

What's this suppose to be?!  Therapeutic?  Artistic?  Soothing, relaxing?  It's really wallpaper from a hotel room in MT and I tell you: It's just wrong!

What's wrong with this?
1.  That it's so beautiful.
2.  That nobody knows about Glacier!
3.  That we aren't there RIGHT NOW!!!

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!!!

If you can't tell Micah is writing this blog, which makes Dylan with a beard even more wrong!

Mom is suppose to be a example of goodness and niceness (not to mention healthy food choices), but here she is at night attacking a s'more! Just wrong!

Actually this picture was taken while we were all eating s'more's and I accidentally left the flash on.  So we got the compromising picture of mom.  Ops, sorry mom!

"Hey mom, I think I just lost my appetite."

Well, now we can buy more than one used cow, but can we can test drive them???

Yellowstone is the mutant of all National Parks, I mean boiling, acidic water that is the only place certain microbes can live?!  The ground alive with boiling mud?...Herds of Bison warming themselves on geyser heated soil....   Weird, strange, wrong.

Yeah, right!  These poor delusional souls can believe what they want, but seriously we all know that God's a Patriots fan!  I mean the sky is blue, the snow is white, and fire is red!  How much more proof do you need?

Normally it's the kids holding the teddy bear, not the teddy bear holding two kids!!  Wrong!

Day's, no. 
Month's, no. 
Week's, yes.  What!?!?!?!?  Do I have to buy 'used' weeks - or are they fresh?

An elephant made from a towel.  A little TOO much time on your hands? Right.  Actually, no, wrong.

"Where do you live?" 
"No name." 

So seriously - we've what, run out of names?

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!  Denver the home of Cape Cod chips, no way!  Who are they kidding...but we've already established that they are delusional.

Gotta love the south.
(I think you can click on the pics to see them bigger.)

Rebels, yes... But mom made us do it :-)

That's as many wrongs as we have found thus far, how many more do you need?  It's clear that America is in some deep trouble.

Out for now -
Micah (with some help from mom and Dylan)

1 comment:

  1. Keep me laughing....where else can I go at
    4 AM...just think of the calls you have averted
    with your blog...WHEN will I see you again????
