Saturday, May 29, 2010

Much better than yesterday!!

The second half of your "two fer one" promises to be a much better experience, although much shorter.

We went to the South Carolina State Museum to see the Pirate Exhibit.... Okay, well pirates can be summed in one hour long and very repetitious movie.  Since pirates have pretty much the same lives (plunder, sail, and die) the only thing that changed was how they plundered, sailed, and died.

Afterward we went to see the rest of the museum and it was awesome. The museum had lasers, simple machines, lasers, South Carolina history, and lasers!  So really the part of the museum we went to see was the worst part and the part we didn't come to see was the best.

Well, not much more to say so:
Agape Micah


  1. See? Now you have 16 followers... Yeah.. Micah u can thank me later, but its good to see you guys are having a good time. Glad to hear you guys are okay and all to... Catch up when you get back? Ok, cya around.

    -Sid.. aka Micahs bff... Yeah..

  2. 5/30/10
    Dude's: Were glad things are going good.. We have you all set up on my computer.....
    Stay in touch.
    Paul, Kathy & Sid
