Monday, June 14, 2010

A goodbye, a hello, and a goodbye

Today we left the Jordan Lakes, which was probably a good thing because they have other people staying at their house.  But still it was very fun staying there so it was hard to go.  We drove only about an hour today and I could've driven more.  Of course the reason we didn't go farther is my mom found some people from her days at Fort Campbell, Kentucky and reconnected with them.  These people are the Key's.  There's Bob the husband (on the far right), Laurie the wive (in the middle), and Britney and Courtney they're daughters (not shown although we hope Courtney will send a picture in of her licking her elbow) .  We spent most of the day hanging out with them, first at a restaurant with a name I can't spell and then at they're house where I learn that Laurie makes a killer brownie!

Agape Micah

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