Thursday, June 24, 2010

Road Wisdom

A little "wisdom" from the road:

5. You can do it 'all right' - plan, check the internet, ask questions, make calls - and still it doesn't always work out. When you've driven an hour and a half out of your way to go to a popcorn factory that's only a store; you can either cry over unpopped-corn, or enjoy the Mississippi River!

 4. Storms do come. Sometimes they're National news - the biggest most active tornado weather in years. Sometimes the rain hits hard and there's no way out. It's ok to find a safe harbor and sit it out.

3. Even with 4 weeks of travel-days strung together it's a rare day when you are unhurried, the weather is perfect and the road is clear front and back. It's even more extraordinary with a great song playing on the radio! When it all comes together in a glorious 'perfect storm' - enjoy it! Roll the window down (who cares about a day of crazy hair!), stick your hand out the window as far as you can and sing at the top of your lungs!

2. Sometimes the 'worst' does happen. When that day comes you have two choices. You can throw in the towel - give up; cry throw a hissy-fit, blame everyone and sulk. Or you can trust your sorrow to a few close friends, take a deep breath and drive a mile down the road.

1. It sounds corny but, it's really all about the journey and only a little about the destinations. At the end of the day (with 3 coast-to-coast trips under my belt) it's who you have to laugh with that makes the wandering worthwhile!

1 comment:

  1. wowee kazowweeee!!

    thinking of you ~ how's the car?
