Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Monday's Post

Sorry this blog is late, but the camp ground we stayed at was, well, internet deprived...

We woke in the tent to sounds of wildlife, nature, and 8 year old children running down the drive.  Very relaxing.

After a breakfast of oatmeal and hot chocolate, we decided to hike to a cave called Skylight Cavern. It was a 3 mile round trip.  You say that that's isn't much and I agree except for the small factor that most of the way there was up hill...And muddy!!!

Skylight was a self exploring cave, so we bravely lite up our flashlights and pressed onward.  I am proud to say that I was brave enough to recommend we go back the second we couldn't see the entrance!

So afterward we drove to another cavern called Gap Cave.  We were thinking that it wouldn't be very strenuous to explore this cave.  Nope.  The guide comes towards us and says, "It shall be a 1/2 mile hike to the cave and another 1/2 mile in the cave, and another 1/2 mile hike back to the parking lot."  Gulp.

The cave was very interesting  but all three of us managed to hit our heads and I managed to trip into a stone formation.  Oops!!
Enough about today, let's talk about yesterday!  We went to see Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.  The movie is about Prince Dastan of (you guessed it) Persia.  There is nothing terrible about it, but it definetly was not a "Christian" movie. ( I mean this in the way that it's Persia. They don't know about God.)

The next person to see Noah Small tell him the Prince of Persia is amazing!  I, personally, would recommend it to any people who want to see an action packed movie (or as my mother would say "totally boy movie!")

  Agape, Micah
 And speaking of boys being boys...


  1. I love the buffalo/bison hats! That looks like something I should get Mr. Steve. He could wear it hunting out west to "blend" in. On second thought maybe not, someone might mistake him for a bull and shoot at him! Anyway, love your picture-It's a keeper! God Bless :)

  2. That's SO funny you should mention that! 'Cause we were actually thinking Steve could use one too! But we figured if it was the bison hat of Yogi head on the wall - Yogi would win and you'd kill us for taking up closet space :-).
