Friday, June 4, 2010

Please watch your step and use the handrails....

After two hours of driving we arrived at Bristol Caverns, which upon first look appeared to be at little gift shop with not much to offer in the cave department.  Well, we walk in and they sell us tickets to the cave and a few minutes later a guide comes to take us on our tour.  He led us out the back to a trail and halfway to the cave when we have to stop to wait to for more people.  So here we are standing in the Tennessee heat in sweat shirt, which, for the record, is not fun. but when we did reach the cavern it cooled down about ten degrees.  The cave was okay, until we reached the main room.  Huge. It had a river, I mean it seems like most towns don't have a river, yet this cave does!?  Well it was awesome after that.  When the tour had finished, we headed to a hotel and crashed.

Agape, Micah


  1. very cooooool!!!! Did you bump into Bilbo Baggins or Frodo on the tour?? Looks like their kinda place : )

  2. Hello Guys,
    Just caught up with this week's travels. Wow, those pictures are great! I can only imagine how spectacular it must have been to see firsthand. We had a rain event during a camping weekend too. Not my cup of tea. Hopefully you'll stay dry next time around. We think of you often. Take care and have FUN!

  3. Lots of fun reading of your adventures - love the pictures. Stay dry and eat chocolate!

  4. I need tech support. As a subscriber, aren't I supposed to get notified or something when you make a post? I feel like I'm missing out on your adventures.
