Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Saturday Post

(editor's note - TN is severely internet challenged...sorry we are late in posting)

Hi everybody this is Dyl!

Today we were supposed to go to Bristol Raceway when we realized it was one of the few (or so it seemed) days it was closed......... Major bummer Dude!

The next place we went was supposed to go was this wicked awesome old printing-press-museum-thing it was closed as well....... Major bummer Dude!

Finally, we reached the Davy Crockett Tavern/Museum which was really interesting.  Did you know that they put young boys into a tiny litte room with a port-a-potty and then locked them in for the night - oh, yea, by the way, it was "for their safety".

See ya -

(Editor's note:  We did spent a significant part of the day at the Exchange Place.  A restored farm where the stage coach would exchange horses and travelers would exchange Virgina currency for TN.  When I asked Dyl what happened to the majority of our day he said that it wouldn't have the same effect if there were 2 good things and 2 bad things in our day.  I don't know - I for one was glad it was a 50/50 kind of a day!  Literary licenses I guess.)

 Morristown also boasts 'above sidewalks'.


  1. So glad to see you guys catch up on the postings! I was beginning to think I'd become a follower just in time for the information blackout (which was sort of right...) This is great, and I will also let my sisters know they could get in on the action. My question from today's post is whether this locking up of young men with potties was actually IN the Davy Crockett Museum (and if so, did Micah and Dyl partake?) Or was it in the Alamo or something? Bizarre... Love you guys and can't wait to hear more updates!

  2. So just to be clear - the locking up was in the tavern/museum. There was a trap door with a ladder for the second floor and the fear was that boys-being-boys, they might be mischievous and try to sneak around at night, maybe falling thru the trap door.

    As for the locking up of Micah and Dyl...tempting, very tempting! But nowadays it might be illegal....still...might be worth the risk....hum...
