Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Merry Evening with a Distant Relative...(3rd chapter in Micah's book)

We made it to Utah!  I've heard lots about beautiful!  Great place to visit!  You'll love it!  as we checked into our extended-stay hotel we knew that we 'weren't in Kansas anymore'...

But today we welcomed Sara to Utah (my niece; she flew in from CA to visit her dad for a while before returning to college at the end of the summer), visited a burger place (ok - not my thing!  But the shakes were great :-) ), and the world's largest copper mine.

Pretty cool place!  One of the few man-made objects that can be seen from space.  A hole in the ground so deep the Empire State building could fit in there and still not reach the top.  It was a fun visit (especially so because of cousins being together)!  If you are interested in learning about the copper mining and refining process here's a cute video only 6 minutes and it will do an infinitely better job explaining than I could!

Here's the crew: Micah, Dylan, Sara and Steve (big bro).  The tire is one from the rock moving trucks - only $25,000 per tire!  Six tires per truck and they last a about overhead!

We topped the day off by watching the Pioneer Day fireworks from high up on a hill, you can see the whole of Salt Lake City from there; really gorgeous!  You might think that is a low cloud on the horizon, but it's really the Great Salt Lake (our tour guide has promised us a closer look, smile) surrounded by mountains.

So this extended-stay hotel may not be generous with the toilet paper - but they do have decent internet, so we added the Old Faithful pictures if you're interested.

Blessings - and good night!

1 comment:

  1. u got to love the toilet paper in the vending machine my dad would need that really bad if he was going on a road trip
